‘I shall not fight against him with the sword, but I shall dig around him till he falls of his own accord"
Governor George Grey 1860
The Crown acted unjustly and in breach of the Treaty of Waitangi in its dealings with the Kiingitanga and Waikato in sending its military forces across the Mangataawhiri stream boundary line in July 1863 invading Waikato and confiscating 1.2 million acres of land. Waikato was labelled as REBELS by the Crown the impact of the invasion has caused intergenerational trauma, but we live on to tell our stories.

Authentic Education Tours
We provide authentic educational history experiences for all educational entities, pre-school, Kohanga Reo, Primary Schools, Secondary Schools, Kura Kaupapa, Wharekura and Whare Waananga enquire now

Step One: Point your camera at the QR code.
Step two: Tap the banner on your phone.
Step three: Skip advertisement.
Step four: Follow the instructions and write a review.
A minimum of 25 and a maximum of 60 people per tour.
You can take photos if you have signed our media release form.
Dpending on which tour you have chosen, will detemine the length of the tour.
10 Talbot street Ragnriri NZ. We encourage you to use your google maps as it can be quite tricky to find.
If this date is unavailable, or you cant seem to book on a specific day, this means, the day has been booked for another group.
We encourage everyone to join us on a tour.
We offer two languages - Maaori and English
We have a bus and a mini bus available for you, at an extra cost.
Yes, but the grounds are uneven so, at times it may be difficult to push or access certain areas.